Why Grow Break Crops?
To break the sugarcane monoculture
Increase the organic matter present in the soil
Improve soil structure and water infiltration
Reduce populations of cane root pathogens
Increase the populations of beneficial organisms
Supply of nitrogen for following sugarcane crop
Weed control option that will benefit following plant cane crop
Good groundcover for erosion control over heavy summer rainfall period
Soybean Varieties Suitable for our Region
(Click on the underlined variety name for links to fact sheets)
Slow maturing, determinate variety (140-145 days)
Popular for green manure because of its dry matter production levels
Resistant to Root Lesion Nematode (RLN), but highly susceptible to Root Knot Nematode (RKN)
Slow maturing, indeterminate variety (135-140 days)
If sown at the correct time, it is slightly less vegetative than Leichhardt
Resistant to RLN and RKN
Medium maturing, determinate variety (125-130 days)
Shorter in statue and less likely to lodge, but still produces adequate biomass
Resistant to RLN and RKN
New Bunya
Similar to parent variety Bunya
Similar to parent variety Leichhardt
Suited to growing as a green manure crop
Medium to slow maturing
Round, medium seed, clear hilum, light bright colour
Medium maturing (125-130 days)
Large seed, clear hilum and high protein
Mid to very late planting window (mid Dec - mid Jan)

Cowpeas and Lablab
Easier to plant (broadcast)
Hardy seed
Good forage crops
More susceptible to water logging
Less biomass
Less nitrogen
Seed availability can be a problem
Highly susceptible to RKN